Now: I drive in a small car everywhere.
In the future, I want to do: I try to bike or walk every chance I get.
Now: I conserve but still need to shower every day
In the future I want to do: I do not conserve water.
Now: I conserve but still need to shower every day
In the future I want to do: I do not conserve water.
Now: I think about energy conservation but could do better
In the future I want to do: I do not conserve electricity.
Now: I think about energy conservation but could do better
In the future I want to do: I do not conserve electricity.
Now: I enjoy carbon-intensive.
In the future I want to do: I often go to movies, restaurants, and games.
Now: I enjoy carbon-intensive.
In the future I want to do: I often go to movies, restaurants, and games.
Now: I throw all waste in the garbage.
In the future, I want to do: I recycle everything I can.
Now: I throw all waste in the garbage.
In the future, I want to do: I recycle everything I can.
6.Air travel
Now: I travel by airplane every year.
Now: I travel by airplane every year.